Quest for rest

September 6 2023 · Ryan Walpole

I've been burning myself out a little bit on life this past month in particular. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, really. I'm working a full time job, I have a long-term serious relationship, I'm living a second life with the red dead roleplay including a pretend acted out relationship and friendships there... and to top it off I spend my weekends working! Whether it's making progress building the garage or doing farm work (though thankfully, I've had a few weekends off here and there because of the weather). This last Saturday I spent hours getting myself absolutely caked in dirt and mud. We had to move all of our bulls around and separate them from their herds.

There was one point where I got bogged on the quad bike because the tyre tracks that dad left in the tractor were quite literally almost as deep as the quad bike was tall. It was unreal. Not to mention, which I now am realising I completely forgot about, I'd just had a wisdom tooth pulled like 2 days prior, which meant the entire day I was russling around with cows I was also in quite the amount of mouth pain.

I woke up last Tuesday to a really saw mouth. It felt like the start of an impacted wisdom tooth so I made plans to see a dentist as soon as I could - on Wednesday morning. I went in and they didn't think the wisdom tooth was the issue, so I got a filling on one of my back most bottom teeth (despite the pain coming from my top teeth) and was sent on my way. The pain was not fixed until the morning after when I did, in fact, go back and fairly sternly demand they take the wisdom tooth out anyway, as I was certain it was causing the pain.

It was.

What's Playing

Luísa Sonza and Demi Lovato
Penhasco2 - Single

I've had three separate dentist appointments since last Tuesday, which include two fillings on those back most bottom teeth that I can hardly reach with my toothbrush (I guess if any of my teeth were going to have an issue, it'd be those two), a wisdom tooth extraction and a general clean. More dentist appointments in a week than I've had my entire life so far. On the upside, my teeth are all nice and clean and pain free now (albeit with the drawback that I now have a 30 step tooth brushing routine for the next few weeks).

On Monday I went out with Dan to Bright for the day. We had lunch, bought some coffee beans and I got a chance to peruse the bookstore. Low and behold they had a single copy of the first volume of Heartstopper - this one with the special fancy Netflix cover that I don't have. I wasn't planning on getting this one, since it doesn't really fit in with the others and it'd also be the third copy of Volume 1 that I'd own... but I bought it anyway. I mean, what are the chances that it'd be the only heartstopper book in the store, and the only book on the shelf. Dan thinks I'm mental.