How do you even name these things?
January 14 2023 · Ryan Walpole
It's 2023! What does that even mean? Well just this past month has been one of the most peaceful and drama free months of my life with plenty of fun times with friends, particularly on Minecraft.
Started 2023 off with my boyfriend, Dan and my friends Birb and Onyon. We went to a pub that was supposed to have a New Years live music event that sounded really cool but in reality it was just two old birds singing cover songs. It doesn't sound awful til we very quickly found out that both these old ladies couldn't hear themselves, each other or the music that was playing. None of it was in the right key, none of it was in time with the backing track and both of them were harmonising over each other in completely different keys at a completely different tempo. That being said, it was good for a laugh and I had a few very nice gin and tonics.
Cattle sale this year went good. Apparently Grandpa told Dad he was proud of Guy and I because we handled the stockyards like professionals. And not to kiss my own ass, but between us two and my dad we had the stockyards handled long before the stock agent was supposed to show up. It was a long day and I was late to work the following day cause I was so dead.
My therpaist is going to go get married and have her honeymoon next week so I had my last therapy session for a while last Thursday. Still not sure how I feel about therapy. I think it helps and honestly some of the biggest changes that I've made to my life that are having a positive effect were ones she suggested. I just can't help but feel drained after every session.
OH! My planning permit was approved on Christmas Eve! Then the build permit for my shed/garage followed and was approved. Guess I can start actually building something now! The house is still a while away while I wait on engineering and energy rating and all that bull, but by the time the garage is built, hopefully that'll all be done and then I can build the HOUSE! YAY!
Other than that, tonight we were supposed to be trying out Starbound - me, Onyon and Mew, but unfortunately Mew went to hospital today so that'll have to be put on hold I suppose. Truth be told, I'm not exactly devastated about it. As much as I'm looking forward to playing Starbound with my buddies, part of me just really wants to log on to Minecraft and bash out a few more builds.
2023 is shaping up to be an interesting year.