The universe works in mysterious ways.

January 19 2023 · Ryan Walpole

Wasn't going to write a post today since I only did one like, yesterday, but I had some fun things happen today and I've been locked in some deep thought.

Today I went and got Vietnamese for lunch from Dan's work. Had a slightly awkward encounter at the takeaway pickup desk as per usual, where the language barrier gets in the way. Anyway, the guy hands me my food and I take a brief look around - my boyfriend must be washing dishes in the back or something. No biggie, half the time when I get food from his work I don't actually see him. Climbed into the car and set my Spotify up ready to take off only to get scared shitless by the employee that got me my food at my window. He speaks, I understand very little, but what I do manage to gather is that he wants me to wait for a minute because he "forgot something".

I check my order, all of it is there, I start to second guess myself. Was he just apologising for something else? Is he even coming back? I decided to grab my phone and play on it for a minute just in case he does come back. Well, as a matter of fact my boyfriend comes to my car door with a pink lemonade and some extra food bits for me.

Got back to work in time to see the construction crew finishing up. The shed extension looks very cool.

In other news, I've been thinking about a post I saw earlier on Twitter. It was an image with text that read "When you cut off someone from your life, they will never tell people the full story, they will only tell them the part that makes you look bad and them innocent". This is something I feel really familiar with, I mean, most everyone in my life has told me this recently, but how ironic, the message I needed to hear and have been hearing from everyone else, needed to come from someone that didn't have any bias or investment in the situation. It's true, toxic people will continue to say things and recount situations to fit their own narrative, and will do and say almost anything to discredit the truth if the truth isn't tailored to their narrative.

Sometimes the universe works in funny and mysterious ways. I guess the universe just needed to let me know I was on the right track with everything. Thanks universe.

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